60 haikujev za 60 let
3. 11. 2021
Pri pouku angleščine smo se preizkusili v pisanju poezije. Naši dijaki so se izkazali za zelo kreativne, domišljiji so pustili prosto pot in nastalo je veliko zanimivih haikujev. Spodaj si jih lahko nekaj preberete.
I like to go to school, Your mum can not swim.
my schoolbag is never full Me and her are the dream team.
and my English teacher is very cool. We swim in her dream.
Luka H., David S, Tadej B. 1. B Zinedin, Gašper, Urban 3. b
His eyes were bloody red, PC glowing bright,
the break up in his head, through this long, sad night.
lonely on his bed. Oh, how she was right.
Klemen Blatnik Maurovič, 4. A Klemen Blatnik Maurović, 4. a
The red trees of Japan When the war starts
grew on the blood of fallen Samurai. it is the rich people who wage war
Each tree represents one soul. and the poor who fight it.
Jaka Arnež 1. b Jaka Arnež, 1. b
The sky is bright. In the ocean blue
The world is full of darkness, the fish swim, but the sky . . .
but you are my star. Is where the birds rule.
Matic Slapar, 3. a Matic Slapar, 3. a
Sleeping until noon. I see the busy streets
Dance happily in the wind. littered with scraps of human souls.
No homework this week. Floating indolent.
Jure, Patrik, Vid, Rok 3. B Marko Markuljević, 3. b